I have a form with two radio buttons like so:
Match all words between fields (AND)
Match any words
between fields (OR)
.... so it submits as 'relation=and' (default) or 'relation=or'.
widget.RadiobuttonsWidget takes an 'options' argument that's a list of
(object, description, key). 'description' is the label next to the
button. What I don't understand is, what do 'object' and 'key' mean, and
how are they intended to be used?
The following code produces the correct HTML:
AND_OR = [
("and", "Match all words between fields (AND)", "and"),
("or", "Match any words between fields (OR)", "or") ]
form.add_radiobuttons('relation', title='Relation', options=AND_OR,
delim=htmltext(" \n"), value="and")
I expected this to work:
AND_OR = [
("and", "Match all words between fields (AND)"),
("or", "Match any words between fields (OR)") ]
but it makes the value duplicate the label, and the first argument (which
I thought was the value) is used only to see if the option is initially
I looked through the source to figure out what it's trying to do, and the
superclass SelectWidget.set_options() parses the 'options' argument to
fill in the missing second or third elements. It calls the first element
'object' in the docstring but 'value' in the code. To fill in the third
element it calls SelectWidget._generate_keys(). This tries to extract an
"oid" from the first element (assuming it's a ZODB node), and if that
fails it duplicates the description.
Which makes me wonder why is the third element ('key') turning into a
value, what the first element is for, and how this relates to redisplaying
the form if there's a user error? Currently I'm setting the value
which is fine for a blank form but not right for a redisplayed form.
Should I redisplay it as
value = request.form['relation']
or should I be doing something with this 'object' element?
-- Mike Orr