durusmail: quixote-users: reusing connections, SCGI and PostgreSQL max_connection limit
reusing connections, SCGI and PostgreSQL max_connection limit
reusing connections, SCGI and PostgreSQL max_connection limit
Ksenia Marasanova

I guess the  usual way of reusing connections is the one from the wiki
(http://www.quixote.ca/qx/ReusingConnections). When used with SCGI it
leads to multiple instances of the connection, one for each SCGI
process. But even on a low traffic website, if it has back-end as a
separate application, and some central user database where all
websites need access to, it leads to about 10 connection that every
website creates...
Is it just the way it is, and I should ajust max_connection variable
of PostgreSQL (32 by default) and keep enjoying Quixote ;-) ?  Or
maybe it is possible to create some inter-process database pool (I
hope it's a right name) that will use connections more efficiently?

