> I've been playing around a bit with Quixote, Durus, and Dulcinea. I'm > working on a variety of BSD-based machines (NetBSD, FreeBSD, OS X), and I > noticed that there are two Linux-specific hacks in Dulcinea. I don't know I think Dulcinea users should speak up and let the group know there are some of us out there... my sense is there may be more than they realize. :-D Along the same vein there are some other OS-specific paths in Dulcinea: Dulcinea: change start of site management scripts from #!/usr/bin/python to: #!/usr/bin/env python Why: default path on BSD, FreeBSD at least, is /usr/local/bin/python. I just symlink it but always at upgrade time its a detail that tends to get overlooked. Dulcinea: start-scgi.py: Use a different approach to: if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/tidy"): Again, default path is different on other *nixes. /usr/local/bin/tidy in the case of most (all?) BSDs. Documentation could "solve" these issues well enough too; am happy to put a note on the Wiki if these are to remain as is.