> I *would* use Dulcinea if it had more documentation and exmples, > especially a "here's why this module is so useful, and here's its > problems...". Otherwise I just look at a module quickly to see how it > does things, then write a simpler module that doesn't depend on all the It does take a while to sort out using Dulcinea; I've found the site management tools useful and big chunks of code and objects. Perhaps the best value of Dulcinea and "Toboso" the demo app for Dulcinea based Quixote apps is as a good example of how an application can be structured, or how Durus or ZODB data and applications might be written. Despite the steep learning curve for someone new to Quixote (or new to Python too) I would say its worth spending the time with, likely to save time later. Folks already far down that path may have different mileage. > Dulcinea infrastructure (e.g., type checking). This I like without reservation... I'm a relatively recent convert to the use of dulcinea.spec which I really, really, like. I liked "typecheck" before but love spec. Side thought: I'd like to lobby (again) for use of basic timezone aware datetime objects in Dulcinea across the board, even if all they do is set time and tzinfo to UTC. Perhaps Dulcinea should allow a local.format_date function (if one exists) provide more advanced functionality?