> Grr, gratuitous accessor functions get my goat. This is Python, not Java. > We have properties in case an attribute setting needs validation. > (Another reason to make all classes new-style...) There's already > quixote.get_user() if you reeeeally want to use a function. I thought > .set_user() was a method because of the significance it had for the > application. I don't know which is good: using accessor function or using property I work a lot with Java but I preffer Python. But quixote.get_user() should move to Session.get_user() quixote.get_session() should move to RootDirectory.session quixote.get_request() should move to RootDirectory.request with RootDirectory derived from Directory I am a beginner in using Quixote; I started apps with Quixote a few days ago. And I found unusual to import and call: from quixote import get_request,get_session,get_session_manager,get_field,get_user,get_publisher when all are in quixote.publish and imported by __init__ ... but should belong to Directory. All RootDirectory or other kind of Directory should be inherited from Directory Quixote is a small but powerful server. I was digging a lot in Zope (3 or 4 years) until I had a nasty problem and source code access was not enough - it was a core design problem.