durusmail: quixote-users: Sandbox
Martin Maney
On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 02:26:26PM -0500, Ryan Tomayko wrote:
> I'd be willing to host a subversion/trac site on lesscode.org. Example:
> http://lesscode.org/projects/kid/

I don't see anything but tarballs there?

I also observe that Trac is another annoying piece of web cruft that
sticks a fixed pixel size font into its CSS (in "body" in trac.css,
eg.).  Why do idiots keep doing this?  (I think that's a rhetorical
question - they're idiots, or at least ignorant of reality:

  In high-resolution print typography, designers enjoy considerable freedom
  and control over the articulation of this [font size] range. In
  low-resolution screen typography, designers don't.  -- Todd Fahrner

It used to be that wikis were generally free of "everybody wants to be
the art director" (or, without loss of generality, "the graphics
designer") disease, but it seems to be spreading from blogs recently.
It's one of the reasons I'm still using a rather dated version of
Galeon as my preferred browser: it both has a switch to ignore CSS
*and* remembers that preference per-site.  Imperfectly, but it's miles
better than a "for this page only" button that's not even present
unless you install another space-wasting toolbar into what is,
admittedly, a pretty decent but feature-woefully-incomplete browser
(Firefox would have been a big yawn if they hadn't encouraged add-ons,
but I don't want a frickin' browser to require assembly, dammit.)

Hmmmm... apparently my disposition is not improved by a badly sprained
muscle that's taking forever to heal.  Please discount anything over
and above normal grousing in the above as a side-effect of chronic
pain.  If I could rewrite it so it was better just now, it wouldn't have
come out that way in the first place.  :-/

> I ask only that everything released from the site be licensed under a
> GPL compatible license as defined by the FSF. I'd also ask that one or

I think that would make it impossible for you to include any earlier
release of Quixote in the archive.  Just sayin'.

> repository if needed. I can't handle the admin duties I have now and I
> really don't enjoy them all that much either.

Hey, that's *my* teeshirt!

Distributionis non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
  (William of Occam, in the parallel universe where he was a Linux sysop)
