durusmail: quixote-users: Re: [quixote-checkins] https option for simple server
Re: [quixote-checkins] https option for simple server
Re: [quixote-checkins] https option for simple server
Re: [quixote-checkins] https option for simple server
Greg Ward
On 30 March 2005, David Binger said:
> Add --HTTPS option to simple server, so that redirects can work when running
> through an SSL proxy or tunnel.

Ooh yuck!  I'm sure there's an unwritten rule that long options should
be lowercase and hyphen-separated.  I.e. all of the following are WRONG:


and only this is right:


Hmmm.  Maybe I'll add a note to the optparse docs so I can shake it at
the next person who I see doing this.  ;-)

