>After login as user, I get redirected to the first page again. I tried it >several times. Links to "Index" and "Home" all go to eok.ro:8080. Home is for / Index is ./ - current page index .... I must think again about navigation interface ... but is defined in a separate class used for header & footer >You switched from Zope to Quixote? Me too. I had a short look >at Zope3. This looks better. Implicit Aquisition is not the default any >more. I used "Zope aquisition concept" into WPOAS; that means that 'style.css' or 'header.wpo' is present in root; into / and if in /folder someone need it - it is not necessary that file to be in /folder I hate plone, I hate cmf (I never understood that kind of interface and python code) And I don't like Zope3 and how Zope3 looks like; I find nice Zope 2.7 with Zeo activated! >Sharing code between applications written for Zope3 could be easier than >sharing code between quixote applications. Maybe! But Zope lost my trust! Zope disappointed me. In 3 years of digging into Zope source I never build an useful application (killer app) (all the time I keep repeted: "Use the source, Luke!" but now is over) But now in 2-3 weeks learning about Quixote I made WPOAS. (I don't know what's inside Dulcinea, Toboso, Durus, Sancho, QLime) Do you know how I ended with Zope? Trying to restrict an SQL adaptor owned by 'root zope manager' to not be used by local 'zope manager' in a tipic subfolder. See my last Zope work http://eok.ro/1106572674/demo/ demo which could be a Zope killer app, an all in one framework. But I realised that this kind of application will be a piece of cake if is based on Quixote! Ioan Coman Romania, Ploiesti