Here's something that I think I must be misunderstanding. I am using SCGI and Quixote 1 If I have a class with: def _q_resolve (component): ........ if component == 'testconvert': return dotestconvert(get_request()) ....... and def dotestconvert(request): .... print 'setting response type' request.response.set_content_type('application/pdf') .... return sreturn Then calling http://.../testconvert results in the set_content_type call only being called the FIRST time, thereafter the call will always the value of sreturn but NOT issue the 'print' command. If, however I use http://..../dotestconvert then set_content_type (and the preceeding print command) IS called. What am I missing here? -- Robert Ladyman Tel: +44 (0) 7732 771 649 Skype: rjlfile-away Sent to you via the Magach Wireless Network