>On 05 June 2001, Goodger, David said: >> One more question: Are there some newbie examples or docs that I could get >> my hands on? Thanks again. Here's a first cut at a PTL.txt file that will be in Quixote 0.3. Comments? --amk Python Template Language (PTL) ============================== The good news is that PTL's syntax is almost exactly like Python. The differences are a single different keyword, and expressions inside templates have their values kept, not discarded. Here's a sample template: template foo (x, y = 5): "This is a chunk of static text." greeting = "hello world" # statement, no PTL output print 'Input values:', x, y z = x + y """You can plug in variables like x (%s) in a variety of ways.""" % x "\n\n" "Whitespace is important in generated text, \n" "and z = " str(z) ", but y is " y "." Templates are the PTL analogue to Python functions. Templates are defined using the 'template' keyword, obviously, and they can't have docstrings, but otherwise they follow Python's syntactic rules: indentation indicates scoping, single-quoted and triple-quoted strings can be used, the same rules for continuing lines apply, and so forth. PTL also tries to follow the semantics of normal Python code as far as is possible, so templates can have parameters, and the parameters can have default values, be treated as keyword arguments, etc. The difference between a template and a regular Python function is that inside a template the result of expressions get saved as the result of that template. Look at the first part of the example again: template foo (x, y = 5): "This is a chunk of static text." greeting = "hello world" # statement, no PTL output print 'Input values:', x, y z = x + y """You can plug in variables like x (%s) in a variety of ways.""" % x Calling this template with foo(1,2) results in the following output: This is a chunk of static text.You can plug in variables like x (1)\n in a variety of ways. Normally when Python evaluates expressions inside functions, it just discards their values, but in PTL the value is converted to a string using str() and appended to the output for the template. There's a single exception to this rule: None is the only value that's ever ignored, adding nothing to the output. (If this wasn't the case, calling methods or functions that return None would require assigning their value to a variable. You'd have to write 'dummy = list.sort()' in PTL code, which would be strange and confusing.) The initial string in a template isn't treated as a docstring, but is just incorporated in the generated output; therefore, templates can't have docstrings. No whitespace is ever automatically added to the output, resulting in "...text.You can ..." from the example. You'd have to add an extra space to one of the string literals to correct this. The assignment to the 'greeting' local variable is a statement, not an expression, so it doesn't return a value and produces no output. The output from the 'print' statement will be printed as usual, but won't go into the string generated by the template. Quixote directs standard output into Quixote's debugging log; if you're using PTL on its own, you should consider doing something similar. 'print' should never be used to generate output returned to the browser, only for adding debugging traces to a template. Inside templates, you can use all of Python's control-flow statements: template numbers(n): for i in range(n): i " " # PTL does not add any whitespace numbers(5) will return "1 2 3 4 5 ". You can also have conditional logic or exception blocks: template international_hello(language): if language == "english": "hello" elif language == "french": "bonjour" else: raise ValueError, "I don't speak %s" % language PTL templates are kept in files with the extension .ptl. Like Python files, they are byte-compiled on import, and the byte-code is written to a compiled file with the extension '.ptlc'. To import PTL files, an import hook needs to be installed first. from quixote import imphooks imphooks.install() (Note: if you're using the ZODB, always do 'import ZODB' before installing the import hook. There's some interaction which causes importing the TimeStamp module to fail when the PTL import hook is installed; we haven't debugged the problem.) Once the import hook is installed, PTL files can be imported as if they were Python modules. If all the example templates shown here were put into a file named 'foo.ptl', you could then write Python code that did this: from foo import numbers def f(): return numbers(10) You may want to keep this little function in your PYTHONSTARTUP file: def ptl(): from quixote import imphooks imphooks.install() This is useful if you want to interactively play with a PTL module. -- A.M. KuchlingNeil Schemenauer Greg Ward