durusmail: quixote-users: How to add label to Form ?
How to add label to Form ?
How to add label to Form ?
vincent delft
I like the Quixote form capabilities, but I'm facing a
problem: How to display simple static htmltext between
labels ?

I've looked into the form.py and widget.py how I can
do this, but I've not found any solutions.

Thanks for your ideas.

Here after my solution.

I've implemented a Widget subclass like the following:
class LabelWidget(Widget):
    def render_content(self):
        return self.value

In other words all html text to given to value will
simple be added and displayed adequaly on the webform.

By doing: myform.add(LabelWidget,"label1",value="my
label"), this generate output like:
my lable

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