Damjan wrote: > What's the quixote idiom for writing translatable applications? > > I'm thinking of using python gettext, but I'm not sure if it will work > with PTL. I don't know about Quixote idioms but I'm successfully using gettext with PTL. I'm only using one language per server so there is nothing particular to do, I'm just calling gettext.install(...) in my main module and using _("Hello world") in py/ptl files. As for gettext files management (creating/merging .po files, compiling them to .mo files), I am using this Makefile: http://cvs.labs.libre-entreprise.org/cgi- bin/cvsweb.cgi/authentic/po/Makefile?rev=1.1;content- type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=authentic Regards, Frederic