On Jul 21, 2005, at 6:01 PM, Orr, Steve wrote:
> I'm trying to port a CGI app to Quixote/mod_python and I'm struggling
> with forms. By way of illustration here's an HTML snippet from the CGI
> app:
> |
> data | data | data |
> The above represents 1 of many rows from a table displaying the results
> of a database query. There is a "
" for each row in the
> table and the form name (int105) is unique for each row.
Note that form has no "name" attribute:
But I guess you can use an "id" attribute instead.
> So how do I do this in Quixote? Does Quixote allow for multiple
> Quixote-type-forms on a page?
Yes. On the client, there are no quixote type forms, they are generic
HTML forms.
You can have as many as you want, but you can of course only submit one
at a time.
> How can I submit multiple form values
> using an HREF instead of a button?
One way is what you are doing already, via href javascript. You can
also assign any js function to whatever other event, such as onclick.
> I've played around with _q_lookup but
> have yet to come up with something that works. Besides, I don't want to
> display "custid" or any other hidden inputs in the URL or query string.
You are already displaying custid in the html source. However since you
are using POST, the form data will not appear as the query string.
Anyhow, here some untested code:
from quixote import get_request
from quixote.directory import Directory
from quixote.form import Form, HiddenWidget
from quixote.html import href, TemplateIO
def define_my_form(request, custid, custname):
f = Form(action=request.get_path(), id='int%s'%(custid) )
f.attrs['class'] = 'my_form'
f.add(HiddenWidget, 'name', value=custname)
f.add(HiddenWidget, 'custid', value= custid)
f.add(HiddenWidget, 'epochtime', value=time.time())
return f
def render_my_form(f):
r = TemplateIO()
r += f._render_start()
r += f.get_widget('name').render()
r += f.get_widget('custid').render()
r += f.get_widget('epochtime').render()
r += href("javascript:document.getElementById('int%s').submit();"
r += f._render_finish()
return r
class my_directory(Dicrectory):
_q_exports = ['my_form_handler']
def my_form_handler(self):
request = get_request()
if request.form:
name = request.get_field('name')
custid = request.get_field('custid')
epochtime = request.get_field('epochtime')
... do something with it ...
r = TemplateIO()
r += ... rendering ...
for cust in custs:
# wrtite table stuff
cell_form = define_my_form(request, custid, custname)
r += render_my_form(cell_form)
# more table / data stuff
r += ... rendering ...
return r
Hope that helps.
> Please advise. PLEASE!
> Steve Orr