On Oct 7, 2005, at 8:04 PM, David Binger wrote: > Roger and I have, however, just completed a revision of the permission > representation that eliminates the Admin classes completely. > Permissions are still "granted" to users by other objects, but the > record of granted permissions is kept on the user objects themselves, > rather than on the other, PermissionManager, instances. > We've eliminated completely the "indirect" permissions (such as > A grants 'foo' to B if C grants 'boo' to B) because these > seem to confuse people and are seldom used on our applications. > The Permission editing UI is much easier to understand now. > > I expect that we will release this pretty soon, especially > if others are interested in it. We'll include the function > we used to convert our databases to the revised representation. How does it handle permissions that depend on other things, such as whether a user has subscribed for a given service and that subscription has not yet run out? I'd be interested to understand how you have modeled it now. I do not need any conversion utilities... looking at the code (and examples... ;-) would be very much appreciated. mario