On Nov 3, 2005, at 5:18 PM, Mike Orr wrote: > Shalabh will point out that QLime has had an O-R mapper for some time, > and... I don't remember if it has an MVC. QLime does have an O-R mapper which is, to be honest, no better suited to Quixote than any other O-R mapper out there. Except for the use of leading '_q_' for some special attributes (a 'trick' I pulled off by naming it with Q, hehe ;) There is no MVC pattern mandated by QLime - it leaves application structure open to the developer just like Quixote. I am going to reduce QLime from a web framework to just an O-R mapper in light of the many new developments (Paste, TG etc.). The configuration piece turned out to be needlessly complex for what it was worth. I have almost re-written the apps behind cafepy.com using just Quixote and my O-R mapper. > But the most interesting > thing about TurboGears from my perspective is outputting a dictionary, > which the framework automatically attaches to a template or converts > to JSON. And MochiKit, which I haven't looked at yet. That would be > a good research project for Quixote. I may get to it if nobody else > does first. > > Agreed that this should be optional additions to Quixote, not built > into it. QPY is a good model of how to experiment with alternate > implementations without wrecking the Quixote codebase for those who > don't want it to change. I'd like to remind everyone of the (free) Quixote Extras Subversion repository at http://www.cafepy.com/quixote_extras/. The last time we had the "Oh what does Q want to be? it needs some useful modules.. but let's keep it out of the core" discussion, that is what came out of it. I'm glad to see Mike and Titus make good use of the repository and release session2 (link below) - it looks really well done - congrats guys! I'd be wary of diluting the mainstream Py web development market further and stealing momentum from the newly forming TG and DJ communities (unless there is a really good reason to). I'd be very happy to see a bunch of more little apps and add-on modules for Q that users can mix and match to build highly *customized* solutions. Cheers, Shalabh session2: http://www.cafepy.com/quixote_extras/:publish:/titus/session2/epydoc- html/index.html