On 28 May 2002, Patrick K. O'Brien said: > Okay. I've got it working pretty good now. Wanna see it in action? [...] > http://orbtech.com.sc.sabren.com/web/style/ Hmmm, interesting. Seems to work fine with Opera, which only confirms cookie values once and then lets the server change that cookie at will. But with Konqueror, which confirms every time a particular cookie is set, I'm not convinced that it works. You might want to 1) play around with a browser that confirms every cookie setting, 2) think hard about race conditions between the user confirming a cookie and obeying your redirect, and 3) add some text to the page saying what the current style is. > Let me know what you think. I'm having a blast with Quixote. It is kind of fun, isn't it? Every time I hack on the demos, I have to restrain myself from doing really goofy stuff. ;-) Greg