On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 07:49:38AM -0700, Orr, Steve wrote: -> I've got a portal app with a tabbed interface (currently 7 tabs) where -> each tab is an app with its own publisher. Authentication is performed -> with a single sign-on to the portal. I noticed in the Apache logs that -> each time a tab is clicked the Quixote server handler is -> "(Re)importing..." The driver functions to access the web server are -> essentially the same so now I'm thinking it would be more efficient to -> just have one publisher for the entire portal. Opinions? Tangential off-the-cuff thought: I would be interested in thinking about some way to mount multiple publishers under a single URL, much like a WSGI dispatch handler might do it. It might also be nice to figure out how to mount WSGI apps under Quixote apps; should be easy. Anyway, on topic again: it should be easy enough to allow for multiple publishers at a single time, if you wanted to go that route. Efficiency with Quixote has never been a problem for me, so I tend to organize my code around convenience rather than speed. --titus -> --> branes to the brink of unbroken supersymmetry ;)