Just to report-in the progress we're making with a real-world Quixote installation: yesterday douban.com celebrated its first 2 million- pageview day. Quixote generated 2,058,207 page views. In addition, there're about 640,000 search-engine requests. These put the combined requests at around 2.7 millions. All of our content pages are dynamic, including the help and about-us pages. We're still wondering if we're the busiest one of all the python/ruby supported websites in the world. Quixote runs on one dual-core home-made server (costed us US$1500). We have three additional servers dedicated to lighttpd and mysql. We use memcached extensively as well. Douban.com is the most visible python establishment on the Chinese web, so there's been quite a few django vs. quixote threads in the Chinese language python user mailing lists. I saw Neil mentioned the word "obsolete", and thought this list would be interested to know. :) - Bo