durusmail: quixote-users: Forcing server to load updated ptl files.
Forcing server to load updated ptl files.
Forcing server to load updated ptl files.
Ernesto Adorio
On 3/15/07, David Binger  wrote:
> On Mar 14, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Ernesto Adorio wrote:
> > How do you force a Quixote sytem to reload updated PTL files?  Even
> > renaming a file to something else or even deleting the sources and the
> > associated pyc files and refreshing from a browser still serves old
> > versions??!!
> I think the only reliable way to do this is to stop your scgi server
> process and then restart it.  Once the process has loaded the module,
> it does not keep checking to see if the source code changed.
> Python supports reloading of modules, but you can't really trust
> the results for a number of reasons.  Classes from the old module,
> for example, may already be imported into other modules, so you might
> observe a mixture of old and new class behavior.

After machine reboots,killing all processes everything,  still the old
versions appear.
> Also, make sure that you don't have both "foo.py" and "foo.ptl" in
> one directory.  That does not work.
Ah! Yes, there were some files which differ only in ptl an py
extesions but it worked so I was not aware of this bad practice. I
will clean them up. Thank for mentioning this. Hope this will help
solve the unwanted page persistence problem.
