On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 06:21:00PM +0100, Eddie Corns wrote:
-> Hi all.
-> I'm having problems running a Quixote application that I wrote years ago on a
-> new machine. I've tried lots of things and what it seems to be pointing to
-> that enable_ptl interacts badly with easy_install.
-> My new machine is running RHEL5, I installed Python 2.5.1 and easy_install
-> (from setuptools 0.6c5) and Quixote 2.5b1. My particular app is using
-> SQLobject and MySQLdb but for demo purposes I chose a random small package
-> from cheeseshop. This is what I get:
-> $ python
-> >>> from quixote import enable_ptl
-> >>> enable_ptl()
-> >>> import munepy
-> Traceback (most recent call last):
-> File "", line 1, in ?
-> ImportError: No module named munepy
-> >>>
-> versus
-> $ python
-> >>> import munepy
-> >>>
import pkg_resources
first. I've been happily mixing old and new versions of Quixote with
easy_install for about a year; maybe you need to do an explicit