durusmail: quixote-users: scgi and Quixote 2.6
scgi and Quixote 2.6
scgi and Quixote 2.6
dream fish
# my scgi_server.py

from quixote.publish import Publisher
from quixote import enable_ptl

def create_publisher():
    from root import RootDirectory
    return Publisher(RootDirectory(), display_exceptions='plain')

if __name__=='__main__':
    from quixote.server import scgi_server
    scgi_server.run(create_publisher, port=3000, script_name='')

yes, this works, but i still have some questions:
1.seems like i must put the scgi_server.py and root.ptl in the same folder,
otherwise it complains can't find module, so i can't put my code in
multi-folders like
myapp/scripts/scgi_server.py, mapp/ui/__init__.py, mapp/ui/root.ptl
(i did changed "from root import RootDirectory" to "from myapp.ui.root
import RootDirectory" and it complained "ImportError: No module named
myapp.ui", what else should i do?)

2.is it necessary to use "QuixoteHandler"? and how?

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Neil Schemenauer  wrote:
> If you want to use SCGI, check back with this list if you need help.
> Basically you can change:
>    from quixote.server.simple_server import run
>    print 'creating demo listening on http://localhost:8080/'
>    run(create_publisher, host='localhost', port=8080)
> to:
>    from quixote.server.scgi_server import run
>    run(create_publisher, port=3000)
> Regards,
>  Neil