On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 05:52:46PM +0200, Ian Forbes wrote: > But from my application I get this dump. (Actually I made a copy of the > application and edited out a lot of non-essential stuff to try get a > cleaner dump): > > My program uses twisted as an http server. I have a root.plt file with > the line "from mx import DateTime". > > Note, if I start python2.6 from the command line and enter "from mx > import DateTime" I don't get any errors. I don't get any errors using the patched ihooks.py, Python 2.6 and the latest mxDateTime module. I created a test PTL module containing "from mx import DateTime" and importing it works okay. Could you try creating a .py module containing "from mx import DateTime" and see if that works for you? Maybe ihooks is not the problem. One other thing to check it where ihooks is coming from, e.g. >>> from quixote import enable_ptl; enable_ptl() >>> import sys >>> sys.modules['quixote.ptl.ihooks']Regards, Neil