durusmail: quixote-users: mems exchange quixote app
mems exchange quixote app
mems exchange quixote app
Neil Schemenauer
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 11:22:00PM +0100, Jon Dyte wrote:
> is the mems exchange quixote app structured such that it uses
> apache --> cgi --> quixote --> zeo --> zodb

No.  It's more like:

  httpd + mod_scgi  --> scgi_server --> quixote ---> zeod
  httpd + mod_scgi  /               \-> quixote  /
  [..............] /                 \  [.....] /

All of the processes are long running.

> I'm presuming it uses the zeo for concurrency issues?


> Is there any reason the app doesnt have it's own server process
> permanently running?

It has multiple long running processes with scgi_server managing them.

> I'm currently writing an app(mainly xmlrpc and a few admin webpages),
> in which I have quixote running inside twisted (hence no CGI) and
> using the zeo/zodb

That's another way to skin the cat.

> Having done this I'm just wondering about other scenarios' pro's and cons.

Parts of our application are CPU intensive and our server has multiple
CPUs.  A small number of long running processes parallelize well.  We
don't care for the thread programming model.  Separating the httpd
process and the quixote application seems to be a good idea.  It's more
secure (httpd can run under a separate UID).  It uses less memory and
is more cache friendly (you need lots of httpd processes for serving
static files)

