I forgot to mention few things: splat is an example written by mems-exchange. I cvs it from "cvs -d :pserver:anon@cvs.mems-exchange.org:/home/cvs co splat" I ran both test cases without any problem. I am also able to run it from command prompt. I am having difficulties running it through browser. I like to make it work since I like to create another application which will use Berkely DB and this example has lot of nice things which I like to understand by running it. - Samir --- Neil Schemenauerwrote: > On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 02:29:28PM -0700, Samir > Patel wrote: > > > "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/splat/web/index.ptl", > > line 21, in _q_index > > prefs = request.session.prefs > > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute > > 'prefs' > > For some reason a new session has not been created. > One is usually > created automatically if one is not found based on > the session cookie. > It could be that you are using the wrong Publisher > class. If you want > sessions you should be using a subclass of > SessionPublisher. > > Neil __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better http://health.yahoo.com