durusmail: quixote-users: performance problems
performance problems
performance problems
Andreas Kostyrka
Am Fre, 2002-07-26 um 09.11 schrieb Eckhard Licher:
> Hello,
> after having explored several Python appservers, frameworks and the like
(which all have their specific pros and cons) I finally found quixote (by
accident) and I have to admit that I very much liked the concept instantly.
Having not (yet) gone much beyond the demo examples I already experienced severe
performance problems.
> My workstation setup is as follows:
> - Linux 2.2.18 (SuSE 7.2) running on a 700MHz Duron machine (640MB RAM)
> - Apache 1.3.x
> - Python 2.0 (gcc 2.95.x) w/ the compiler installed from the Python source
Well, I've got here a Sony VAIO FX201 (Duron 700, 512MB, 10GB laptop
style IDE disc):

> A typical request to a quixote-generated page via the demo.cgi driver takes
(depending on the page requested) between 2,4 and 3,5 seconds (!) on an
otherwise idle machine. For comparison: the legendary WelloWorld.py CGI program
takes some 60 ms to process and a more realistic Python CGI program including
access to a SQL database (including establishment of a new connection) takes
some 240 ms (MySQL) and 350 ms (PgSQL) on this machine.
Well it's only 1.4secs for me, but for comparision a shell script cgi
(calling 2xecho, 1xid) is tenfold faster. I've tested via time wget.

> There must be something terribly wrong with my setup. BTW, after running the
demo I did not find any byte-compiled ptlc files in demo directory even after
permitting the webserver to have write access to the relevant directory and
manually byte-compiling the ptl files in the demo dir did not enhance the
performance a bit.
I do not know if this is so. As quixote seems to me much like a
refreshed Bobo (ZPublisher), I'd assume the only sensible way to run it
(production wise) would be something longrunning.

The time is still interesting, because it takes so long compared to the
quixote import:
andreas@vaio2:~/public_html> time python -c "print ''"

real    0m0.041s
user    0m0.040s
sys     0m0.000s
andreas@vaio2:~/public_html> time python -c "import quixote"

real    0m0.221s
user    0m0.170s
sys     0m0.010s

So the quixote import is about 0.2 secs.

Well, I'd assume that one would need to profile quixote extensivly to
see where the time is spent.

