durusmail: quixote-users: http_request.py:HTTPRequest.redirect bug?
http_request.py:HTTPRequest.redirect bug?
http_request.py:HTTPRequest.redirect bug?
Andreas Kostyrka
Am Fre, 2002-07-26 um 16.23 schrieb Greg Ward:
> On 25 July 2002, Andreas Kostyrka said:
> > As request.redirect doesn't seem to support relative urls
> That's funny, I thought it did (although inelegantly):
>     def redirect (self, location, permanent=0):
>         [...]
>         if location.find("://") == -1:
>             location = "%s://%s%s" % (self.scheme, self.get_server(),
> Do you have a simple example of how/why this does not work?
self.get_url() == "http://localhost/~andreas/test.cgi/login"

If your would write it in a  the browser would send you
to http://localhost/~andreas/test.cgi/fax/
The old code sends you to http://localhostfax/
Basically there are 3 ways to specify urls:
absolute with host            http://host/url
absolute without host         /url
relative                      url

The old code deals with the first 2 cases, but in my experience relative
urls are quite important. ;)

> > I've developed a small fix that seems to work quite well:
> [...]
> > def redirect(self,location,permanent=0):
> >     location=urlparse.urljoin(self.get_url(),location)
> >     return self.response.redirect(location,permanent)
> That's a lot cleaner than our version, but I'd still like to see an
> example to understand where ours is wrong.
See above.

