Am Mon, 2002-08-05 um 17.22 schrieb Neil Schemenauer: > On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 01:57:20PM +0100, Holger Duerer wrote: > > There would be no need to parse the arguments into types other than > > strings, i.e. that is a concept unrelated to this. > > If you need to parse them again then what's the point of passing them as > separate arguments? It seems like extra complication and a performance Well, one could add the conversion part too, without much problems. And considering the performance hit: The ugliest part is getting the parameter information out of the callable object. This could be easily cached. And not even this is that slow, for example on my Sony FX201 (Duron700), analyzing def quixfunc(request): pass into function : ['request',] takes 0.0444ms total time > hit for every page for not much gain. Well, it would take about 0.04ms for the first call of a traditional quixote function. Compare this to about 6ms for a optimized fcgi page, and the cost seems to become very small. Andreas