--- Neil Schemenauerwrote: > On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 01:57:20PM +0100, Holger Duerer wrote: > > There would be no need to parse the arguments into types other > than > > strings, i.e. that is a concept unrelated to this. > > If you need to parse them again then what's the point of passing > them as separate arguments? Agreed, the advantage would be small. The difference is only that functions would be more like normal functions, i.e. taking parameters directly instead of extracting them via request.get_from_var(name). > It seems like extra complication and a performance > hit for every page for not much gain. That's what I was wondering... is there much complication and a performance hit? I thought that one would simple add a bit of logic to the call in try_publish, i.e. instead of output = object(request) have output = apply(object, [request], request.form) and do some intelligent error generation if a needed parameter isn't supplied (not making all function arguments keyword args with some default value would seem like a bad idea anyway)... Holger __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com