durusmail: quixote-users: Help: how do I get the base URL?
Help: how do I get the base URL?
Help: how do I get the base URL?
Titus Brown
-> > Unfortunately, it appears that the environment variable SCRIPT_NAME is
-> > munged by http_request.py...
-> Only if you are using IIS.  publish.py used to munge SCRIPT_NAME and
-> PATH_INFO but doesn't any longer (in CVS but not released).

I'll hold out for the next version, then ;).

-> > So, how can I get the base URL of the package?
-> You could have a global variable holding it.  Then you only need to
-> change it in one place.

I could... but unless I put it in the Web-server-specific code, it would
need to be changed for each deployment; I like to develop in both environs,
because I don't need to reload under Apache but it's much faster under PyWX.
So I'd then have to import the Web server Quixote driver module, which doesn't
seem like a good solution!

Notice that SCRIPT_NAME will return to its solid old self is good 'nuff.

