-> > I've made Quixote run in a multi-threaded environment, and this work has -> > suggested a few changes that I'd like to make in the distribution. I don't -> > think any of them are particularly unreasonable ;). -> -> Excellent! I'm all ears. I'd like to wring a "multi-threaded Quixote" -> document out of you if possible. Sure, although it's pretty simple! -> > * Can get_request call a function on _publisher, i.e. make _request be a -> > member of Publisher grabbed through an accessor fn? I can't -> > override the functionality of get_request, as-is, because it is -> > a module function. -> -> As long as there's one global _publisher, there might as well be one -> global _request. I don't think you can change this by subclassing -- -> you'll have to give us a patch to transform those globals into dicts. -> (There would always be at most one Publisher per thread, so just map -> thread ID to Publisher object. Ditto for _request.) Err, I think this may be a misunderstanding. Within my code, I keep the single publisher, and have multiple requests per publisher. This is much simpler than having multiple publishers. Subclassing works just fine... I'll check out the current CVS and take a look at updating the patches. cheers, --titus