durusmail: quixote-users: Multiple interpreters? I didn't think so...
Multiple interpreters? I didn't think so...
Multiple interpreters? I didn't think so...
Greg Ward
On 16 October 2002, Hugo van der Merwe said:
>     raise RuntimeError, "only one instance of Publisher allowed"
> [Wed Oct 16 19:18:08 2002] [error] PythonHandler quixote.mod_python_handler:
RuntimeError: only one instance of Publisher allowed
> My httpd.conf contains:
[...mod_python stuff...]
> I thought "PythonInterpreter" will get the two to use the same
> interpreter, why am I getting "more than one instance of the publisher",
> is it because of my root-namespace differing?

I know nothing about mod_python, but I know that Quixote currently
doesn't allow more than one Publisher instance per process.  That's more
for convenience and ease of implementation than anything else.

There's a pending patch from Titus Brown that might change this.  Hmmm,
on reflection I doubt Titus' patch will help you.  Have to go read it
again (and maybe check it in this time).

> So what would be the "right" way to handle two urls like this?

It's possible that you just can't do this with mod_python and Quixote.
You might want to consider SCGI, which puts your web application in a
completely different process -- one of the disadvantages of embedding
Python in the web server is that there's just not much separation
between the web server and your application.

Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org
