-> There's a pending patch from Titus Brown that might change this. Hmmm, -> on reflection I doubt Titus' patch will help you. Have to go read it -> again (and maybe check it in this time). That would be nice ;). It will not help with this problem; you'd have to change the get_publisher function to return something other than _publisher. In other words, fixing this issue in mod_python would require two separate Quixote installations, because get_publisher() cannot be overridden in subclasses. My patches solve the analogous problem for get_request() by referring get_request() to the publisher instance, thus allowing get_request() to be redefined to return a thread-specific HTTPRequest object. -> > So what would be the "right" way to handle two urls like this? -> -> It's possible that you just can't do this with mod_python and Quixote. -> You might want to consider SCGI, which puts your web application in a -> completely different process -- one of the disadvantages of embedding -> Python in the web server is that there's just not much separation -> between the web server and your application. I think you can do this in mod_python; see http://www.modpython.org/live/mod_python-2.7.8/doc-html/pyapi- interps.html You'll want to set up two different interpreters within the same server, which (on cursory inspection) looks possible. cheers, --titus