durusmail: mems-talk: Re: Who Publishes Transducers Proceedings?
Re: Who Publishes Transducers Proceedings?
Re: Who Publishes Transducers Proceedings?
At 11:39 AM 95.10.16 -0400, OXFORDCOMPUT@delphi.com wrote:
>Oct 16, 1995
>I am trying to obtain copies of the various Transducers conference proceedings.
>I have tracked down the 1995 (IEEE), but can't find the source of the earlier
>ones. I have called Elsevier and Congrex in Sweden, to no avail.
>Can someone tell me where to obtain copies of these proceedings?
I have the same problem.

-Teruo Fujii

Teruo Fujii, Dr. Engg.

(Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
