durusmail: mems-talk: pyrex wafer thickness for anodic bonding
pyrex wafer thickness for anodic bonding
pyrex wafer thickness for anodic bonding
Dean Hopkins
Wondering if anyone has any experience anodic-bonding pyrex wafers to silicon
wafers, where the pyrex is thicker than normal.

For a 100mm wafer typical thicknesses I've worked with are in the 400-600um
Has anyone had experience working with wafers 2 or 3 times thicker?

Rob MacDonald
Shearwater Scientific

------- original message ----

Hi Rob,

I have anodic bonded Pyrex to silicon in up to a few mm thicknesses. Thickness
of the Pyrex makes no discernible difference in the bond as long as the
interface is at temperature.

A simple hotplate bonder does not always suffice as the thermal insulation of
the Pyrex makes the junction a bit colder. The two solutions are to bond Pyrex
up and/or put a "tent" over the fixture to make it into a mini oven and block
cooling air currents.

The tent is a good idea even with silicon down as it makes the temperature
across the glass more uniform and therefore reduces bonded in stress.

(408) 429-0501
