durusmail: mems-talk: Ultra Thin Silicon
Ultra Thin Silicon
Ultra Thin Silicon
Stephen H. Jones
To: MEMS researchers and users
From: S.H. Jones, Department of Electrical Engineering University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA

We have recently completed a series of optical characteriztions on Ultra-Thin
Silicon Substrates supplied by Virginia Semiconductor Incorporated. These
substrates range in thickness from 4.0 - 150 um in thickness, and 1.0 - 4.0
inches in diameter. They are doulble-side polished.

The wafers have been analysed using our recently developed optical micrometer
and TTV system, as well as a spectrophotometer. Also, surface profiling for
microroughness, and dicing for fracturing behavior have been looked at.

The 4-150 um thick wafers consistently have total thickness variation (T TV) on
the order of 2 um, microroughness less than 25A, and can be diced into at least
1 mil strips without fracturing.

I believe these Ultra-Thin Substrates may be ideal for novel MEMS processing.
If you are interested in working with me to use these substrates in a MEMs
process please contact me at (804) 924-6080 or shj2n@virginia.edu.
