durusmail: mems-talk: Re: SWAWG 1: SMAWG is Back in Business!
Re: SWAWG 1: SMAWG is Back in Business!
Re: SWAWG 1: SMAWG is Back in Business!
                          TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TONIGHT!

         Sensors, Microstructures, and Actuators Working Group (SMAWG)
                                Monday, June 5

6:00-7:30 p.m.: Informal (nohost) dinner at California Pizza Kitchen
    Location: 13345 Fiji Way (across the street from ISI)
    Ask For: SMAWG Group
7:30-9:00 p.m.: SMAWG meeting.
    Location: USC/Information Sciences Institute (ISI) 4676 Admiralty Way,
    Marina del Rey, CA, 90292
    Topic: Prof. Kris Pister of UCLA will discuss foundry-based MEMS.

Directions to: USC/Information Sciences Institute (ISI), located at:
4676 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA, 90292

Telephone: (310)822-1511 (11th floor conference room extension is 128)

Please come into the South Tower, sign in at the security desk and take one of
the elevators to the 11th floor. Use the phone to call ext. 128 to be let in.


From the 405 Take the 90 Freeway west (Marina Freeway). Go to the end. Turn
left onto Mindanao than right onto Admiralty Way. Then the first right into the
ISI parking lot driveway. Parking is free after 6 pm and the gates should be
up. If the gates are down, take a validation ticket which you can throw away
when you leave later that evening.

From the 105 West exit at the end on Sepulveda (North) and get to the left
lane. The road forks. Stay to the left becoming Lincoln. Stay on Lincoln till
Mindano. Turn left onto Mindanao than right onto Admiralty Way. Then the first
right into the ISI parking lot driveway. Parking is free after 6 pm and the
gates should be up. If the gates are down, take a validation ticket which you
can throw away when you leave later that evening.

         +-----+  |
         | ISI |  |L           |90 - Marina Freeway
         |     |  |i           |
Mindanao +-----+  |n  Mindanao |
~                 |o  Fiji Way |      |
~       ----------|l-----------|      |
~                 |n           |      |
                  |            |      |
    Airport       |   |        |      |
  Marina Hotel****|   |        |      |
                  |   |        |      |
                   \  |S      90\     |405 - San Diego Freeway
                    \ |e         \    |
                     \|p          \___|
                      |u              |
                      |l  +-----+     |
                      |v  |     |     |
                      |e  | LAX |     |
                      |d  |     |     |
                      |a  +-----+

      |                           |
      |           Bali            |
     A| +-----+                   |
     d| |     |                   |
     m| |     |                   |
     i| +-----+                   |L
     r| _______|  |____________|  |i
     a| | |                    |  |n
     l| | |Parking Structure   |  |c
     t| | |                    |  |o
     y| | | |___|   ___________|  |l
      | |_|_|___|   |__________   |n
turn>>|___________\            |  |
      | ________  / Outside    |  |
     W| +-----+ |   Parking    |  |
     a| | ISI | | (Park here)  |  |
     y| |     | |              |  |
      | +-----+ |______________|  |                        N
     -|---------------------------|----------              |
      |        Mindanao           |                   W----|----E
      |                           |                        |
      |                           |                        |
      \        Fiji Way           |                        S

       (Not to scale)
