durusmail: mems-talk: (04/19/96) MEMS Announcements (3)
(04/19/96) MEMS Announcements (3)
(04/19/96) MEMS Announcements (3)
W.C. Athas
Many announcements are now available by World Wide Web in addition to FTP. For
World Wide Web users, the URL is .

Moderator's Note
The default return address when replying to a message from "mems" is, for many
users, also "mems". Please take note of this when replying to posted messages.
Thank you. - w.c. athas

Final call for Papers: Microrobotics: Components & Applications
18-22 Nov. 96, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Mass.

The aim of this conference is to discuss the rapidly developing field of
microrobots, their components, control, SW, user interface, interface from
macro to micro-world, peripherals as well as applications. The submission
deadline for abstracts is 22 Apr. 96. For more information, please see: WWW:
FTP: /mems/Announcements/ISAM96.txt

in the MEMS Archive ("mems.isi.edu").

Call for papers: American Vacuum Society Conference on MEMS
14-18 Oct. 96, Philadelphia, Penn.

The American Vacuum Society is sponsoring a Topical Conference of MEMS at this
year's National Symposium. The AVS encourages researchers in the MEMS field to
submit an abstract of their work, and to plan to attend this conference.
Abstracts are due by email on 13 May, 1996 by 11:59 p.m., or by paper/FAX on 10
May 1996 by 5:00 p.m. For more information, please see:

WWW: http://mems.isi.edu/archives/Announcements/CFP-avs.html
FTP: /mems/Announcements/CFP-avs.txt

in the MEMS Archive ("mems.isi.edu").

Employment opportunity at Redwood MicroSystems, Inc.

A position is currently available for an assembly technician with demonstrated
expetise in silicon-based MEMS package development and device assembly. Strong
CAD software experience required. For more information, please see:

WWW: http://mems.isi.edu/archives/Announcements/redwood2.html
FTP: /mems/Announcements/redwood2.txt

in the MEMS Archive ("mems.isi.edu").
