durusmail: quixote-users: Re: FW: [Quixote-users] where do mod_python print statements go?
FW: [Quixote-users] where do mod_python print statements go?
Re: FW: [Quixote-users] where do mod_python print statements go?
Re: FW: [Quixote-users] where do mod_python print statements go?
Greg Ward
On 15 October 2001, Ray Drew said [approximately]:
> Would it be better to do:
> class ModPythonPublisher(Publisher):
>       def __init__(self, root_namespace, config=None):
>               Publisher.__init__(self, root_namespace, config)
>               self.setup_logs()

Maybe.  It's no *worse* than the current mod_python_handler.  The
problems with mod_python_handler are that 1) you can't call read_config
on your new publisher, and 2) you can't use a different class.

Perhaps we should add more mod_python options rather than trying to
generalize the code excessively.

Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org
