durusmail: quixote-users: Quixote on MacOS X 10.1.5?
Quixote on MacOS X 10.1.5?
Quixote on MacOS X 10.1.5?
richard offer
* frm gward@mems-exchange.org "08/14/02 09:58:09 -0400" | sed '1,$s/^/* /'
* On 13 August 2002, Brian M. Dennis said:
*> The following mix fails to successfully run the Quixote demo on my
*> machine:
*> Mac OS X 10.1.5
*> Apache 1.3.26
*> Python 2.2
*> There is literally no failure report that I've been able to find. Quixote
*> doesn't log anything and Apache just logs the error as a premature end of
*> headers. Creating an instance of Publisher seems to trigger the problem.
* Did you remember to turn on Quixote's logging, ie. call setup_logs() on
* your Publisher instance?  And are the {ERROR,DEBUG}_LOG variables set in
* your config file?
* I don't recall seeing reports from anyone using Quixote on Mac OS X, so
* you're probably the first one trying it.  I expect minor portability
* difficulties, like we had when people first tried Quixote on Windows.
* You'll have to get your hands dirty and muck about in the code a bit,
* but I don't expect there will be insurmountable difficulties.  Let us
* know what you come up with...

I have a (future) need for Quixote on OS X as well.

Haven't tried it yet, but I do have a beta of jaguar for additional testing.

*         Greg
* --
* Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org

