durusmail: durus-users: Why Durus
Why Durus
Why Durus
Michael Watkins
On Fri, October 9, 2009 17:41, tudza wrote:
> I noticed that Durus is included the the standard install of Python 3.

Definitely not. Perhaps you saw it listed in the Python Package Index - in
the Python 3 category? [1] Those are 3rd party packages, not part of the
official distribution.

> Having done little with complex databases and database servers, I was
wondering if someone could tell me why I would want to use Durus instead
of MySQL or something similar?

In addition to what David volunteered, I'd like to add that if you so far
have very little experience with relational databases, you will probably
find it easier to adopt an object database like Durus.

My own experience: I started using object databases (ZODB and then Durus)
only after many years of experience using relational SQL databases; I
found it took a while to make the transition as you tend to think a little
differently when designing your objects in either case.

If you already have some Python knowledge and are comfortable with the
language, then Durus is the database you already know.

[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=browse&c=533&show=all
