durusmail: durus-users: My wish-list for Durus 3.5
My wish-list for Durus 3.5
My wish-list for Durus 3.5
David Binger
On May 22, 2006, at 7:47 AM, Jesus Cea wrote:
> 1. A better behaviour of the new unix domain sockets when the
> filesocket
> is already present in the filesystem.

I think we will have this in 3.5.

> 2. A PersistentString class. I know this can be difficult with things
> like the unmutability or the hash-ability.

This is different from PersistentList and PersistentDict and
in that we can't make a PersistentString class whose instances do a good
job of impersonating basestring instances.  Lots of functions want
arguments that are instances of basestring, and not just objects
that "quack" like basestrings.

> 3. A BIG latency improvement when commiting a lot of new objects. The
> fundamental latency issue here is the "new_oid" burst. Would be
> nice if
> this improvement could be done without losing a lot of OIDs for short
> "connection" sessions, but it is not a requirement. I know that
> suspending a "_persisten_id" call to know in advance how many new
> objects are we commiting is probably not possible. But "persistent.c"
> could probably track new persistent instances not asigned yet to a
> connection (so, new objects) and give that value efficiently. We can't
> suppose all new objects are going to commit in the same connection if
> there are several ones, but we could request a "new_OIDs" count of
> "min(new_persistent_objects_count,100)", for example.

Here's what Roger and I were talking about for this:  modify the
protocol by having the 'N' command have a 1 byte argument giving the
0-256 of new_oids requested.  The response returns that number of oids.
This allows the server to remain stupid on this issue, and the
client can maintain an oid pool if desired.

I should, however, point out that on the type of deployment for which
durus is really designed (mostly read, very short connection between
and server), the latency cost of oid allocation is insignificant.

> 4. Try to reuse unused OIDs in future transactions. The unused OIDs
> are
> those dropped when a transaction conflicts. Point 3+4 could reuse the
> same datastructures (a pool of unused but assigned OIDs).

The benefit of this is very small, but I think the complexity cost
is also pretty small.

> 5. client<->server connections should include a version number, to be
> able to detect mismatched connections automatically.

I don't get this.  What kind of mismatch are you anticipating?

> 6. BTree objects need a "touched" method. I hate to do "a[b]=a[b]" to
> notify the persistence framework about changes in "a[b]" when it is a
> non-persistent container. I've had problems with some of my junior
> coders removing such a "redundant" code because "it does nothing".
> Argggg!.

Are you talking about _p_note_change()?

If you want changes to be tracked in a container, then it should
be a persistent container.  If you are storing non-persistent containers
in a BTree, then your BTree nodes will load whole sets of those
just to look at one.  That might be useful in some circumstances,
but certainly not all.

> Durus is great.

I think so too, thanks to Neil, and to the ZODB developers.
We can still try to make it a little better, though.
