durusmail: qp: Twisted - Was: Re: Quixote, QP, the future...?
Twisted - Was: Re: Quixote, QP, the future...?
Twisted - Was: Re: Quixote, QP, the future...?
David Binger
On Apr 13, 2006, at 11:50 AM, David K. Hess wrote:
> Generally speaking, I'm not convinced that the method interface to
> Site isn't already generic enough to be used by many types of Site
> implementations. In fact, I think that interface should be
> *required* of all Site implementations. If so, then bin/qp and for
> instance bin/tqp should really only differ in one line of
> functionality: an import statement.

I'm with you up to here.

> However, I also believe that the Site to use should not be chosen
> by the management tool. That decision should be in the
> implementation; i.e. slash.qpy.

I understand what you are saying, but you haven't
said why you believe that.  I guess you mean that you
want bin/qp to be able to manage a collection of sites
at the same time, each with a different Site class.

The bin/qp tool expects Site.start_web() to start the
web and scgi servers.  If I understand it correctly, you
want your start_web() to not do that.  I don't think your
subclass is satisfying the "contract".

> Once you have made that decision, then I think moving run_web to
> the Publisher just forces unnecessary work on the developer.

This does not require anything from the developer.  The default
Publisher provides the
default implementation of run_web(), and this is used by the default
of start_web().

If you want a customized run_web(), you can override.
I'm pretty sure this is two notches simpler than writing a
customized Site subclass that overrides start_web().

> start_web in the customized site already knows all the details of
> what needs to be done to start a twisted web application. Also,
> making this choice conveniently gets rid of the issue of start_web
> in the Site and run_web in the Publisher both needing to coordinate
> whether or not to behave as a standalone application.
> So, here's what I've got working. I changed get_sites to the
> following:
>     def get_sites(klass):
>         """() -> {name:str : site:Site}
>         Note that this is a method of the class.
>         It returns an index of all of the installed sites.
>         """
>         sites_package= import_object(klass.sites_package_name)
>         sites_directory = sites_package.__path__[0]
>         names = [name
>                  for name in listdir(sites_directory)
>                  if (isdir(join(sites_directory, name))
>                      and '.' not in name)]
>         sites = {}
>         for name in names:
>             m = import_object("%s.%s.slash" %
> (klass.sites_package_name, name))
>             if hasattr(m, "Site"):
>                 sites[name] = m.Site(name)
>             else:
>                 sites[name] = Site(name)
>         return sites
> And I have this in slash.qpy:
> .....
> from qp.hub.twistedhub import TwistedSite
> Site = TwistedSite
> class SitePublisher (Publisher):
>     configuration = dict(
>         http_address=('', 8001),
>         )
> .....
> I also have a suitable twistedhub.py which has a TwistedSite class
> with just one method so far: a twisted specific start_web. I still
> have more integration and cleanup to do, but this basic approach is
> working. At least "bin/qp -s echo start" works and the demo is
> reachable from a web browser.

I don't think, though, that your "bin/tqp -v" does what I want it to.

But, the good news is that your "bin/tqp" has the behavior *you* want.
