durusmail: quixote-users: Quixote and XSLT?
Quixote and XSLT?
Quixote and XSLT?
Magnus Lie Hetland

> On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 11:38:29PM +0100, Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
> >If I wanted to process the output of Quixote with xslt,
> >is there an easy way to do that? If not, perhaps some hook
> >could/should be added to Quixote for that purpose? Since
> Why not just write the code to run template output through an XSLT
> processor?  So you'd have something like:
> from pages import page1    # PTL file
> def index (request):
>     return XSLT.process(page1(request))

Right. That seems sensible.

> I personally feel some sort of general output filter would be
> un-Quixotic.

Yes -- sorry... I guess I just don't know Quixote well enough
yet. (I was thinking along the lines of PHP etc., where you
don't have two different types of code like this.)

> Python doesn't provide a way to automatically filter all
> the functions in a module in some way, so Quixote shouldn't either.
> (At one point we were speculating about running Quixote's output
> through tidy to check for errors in the HTML, but I no longer think
> that's the right approach.)

I'm sure you're right. I've just been working on some similar thing
in other frameworks (logic sheets for java/cocoon, similar processing
for php etc.)

I just didn't "get" the separation of concerns here properly,
which indeed suggests the possibility of implementing such a
filter as a part of your handler.

> --amk

Magnus Lie Hetland                       The Anygui Project
http://hetland.org                       http://anygui.sf.net
