durusmail: durus-users: Re: Schevo and moellus [was: Re: [Durus-users] snag with btree.get(key)]
snag with btree.get(key)
Schevo and moellus [was: Re: [Durus-users] snag with btree.get(key)]
Re: Schevo and moellus [was: Re: [Durus-users] snag with btree.get(key)]
Re: Schevo and moellus [was: Re: [Durus-users] snag with btree.get(key)]
Patrick K. O'Brien
Mario Ruggier wrote:
> I have looked over schevo's duru.py. Apologies in advance if I get things
> wrong here...

I only have a small amount of time to respond, so I'll try to answer
some of your main questions below.


> Looking over duru.py, i can throw out some examples (i may have understood
> things very badly here):
> - "Container visibility": Schevo seems to "hide" away the container
> (extent) from the client. Moellus makes it explicit, with the intention
> that you may want to add custom behavior for specific containers, and how
> you would go about doing it is obvious and natural.

Schevo does expose the container, and allow for custom behavior, but
perhaps in a more controlled and slightly less obvious way.  There are a
number of reasons for our approach that I don't have time to explain,
but the driving force is data integrity, which must be preserved.

> - "Predominiant feeling: relational or OO": Schevo seems to be trying to
> respect, in spirit, more the terminolgy and data structures of the
> relational world

True - I've intentionally used relational terminology, even though
Schevo goes beyond some of the "rules" of relational theory.  As for
data structures, those are implementation details.  Which is supposed to
be true in the Relational model as well - sort of like duck-typing - as
long as it looks and acts relational it doesn't matter how it is
implemented under the covers.

> - "Persistent Objects vs. Entities": This may be similar to previous (and
> I may be totally off mark here) -- am I correct in my suspicion that
> Schevo stores an entity "in chunks across differnent structures" as
> opposed to a simgle persistent instance? When you load an entity, is it
> simply unpickling it, or does it involve also "initialising" an object?

Prior to this Rebel branch, we pickled instances.  Now, we are using
Duru as a pretty low-level storage structure and "initializing" new
objects as needed.  In a way, we've simply done our own pickling and
unpickling, rather than fight Python's mechanisms to support schema
evolution and object migration, another very important area of focus for

> And so on... I understand that this could be a long discussion and we may
> want to take this offline.
> Again, forgive me if I have misundertood the first scanning of duru.py.

I don't think you misunderstood duru.py, but that file only tells a
small part of the Schevo story - you'd have to look at the rest of the
source code for that.  And app developers don't do much with duru.py
directly, instead using instances of Entity, Extent and Transaction

>>Watch out!  A predecessor to Schevo was bdoz (bulldozer), an attempt to
>>merely make ZODB easier to use.  ;-)
> Wow, but it had a cute enough name !!
> Why did it fail?

I decided that ZODB was too big and complex.  When Prevayler for Java
came out I was attracted to it and developed the Python version, called
Pypersyst.  The work on the relational model stuff then split from
Pypersyst and was moved to a new project, named Schevo.  Now we are
working on a branch of Schevo specifically for Durus.  We'll probably
add support for ZODB and Pypersyst, but Durus is our target for now.

Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech    http://www.orbtech.com
Schevo     http://www.schevo.org
Pypersyst  http://www.pypersyst.org
