durusmail: mems-talk: patterning sub-micron holes in chromium
patterning sub-micron holes in chromium
patterning sub-micron holes in chromium
Marc Reinig
I would like to place one to several sub-micron holes in a film of chromium
on a glass slide.  The chromium does not have to be very thick, only enough
to block visible light, a few microns thick I think.

Anyone have a recommendation on methods or any services that can provide

Thanks in advance,



Marc Reinig                           Phone: (831) 459-4362
Laboratory for Adaptive Optics        Fax:   (831) 459-2298
UCO/Lick                              Email: mreinig@ucolick.org
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064